Capilla del Mar Hotel is loca-ted at Car-ta-gena de Indias, Colom-bia with the pri-vi-lege of being in front of the bea-ch-, we offer the best lei-sure and rela-xa-tion expe-rience in the city. Enjoy the modern tou-rist area of Boca-grande, one of the most emble-ma-tic areas of the city; hol-ding a variety of places like res-tau-rants, bars, dis-cos, night-clubs, in addi-tion to the most impor-tant world-wide com-mer-cial brands. A modern 5 stars hotel infras-truc-ture and ser-vi-ces ensu-ring per-fect slee-ping expe-rience and gas-tro-nomy, offe-ring tou-rists and exe-cu-ti-ves, a warm and friendly expe-rience, focu-sed to details. Enjoy the charm and his-tory of Cartagena's old area, just 10 minu-tes away front the hotel and only 15 minutes away front the airport.